Postponement of Rabies Vaccination Campaign

Postponement of Rabies Vaccination Campaign

Dear Residents of Gansbaai, Franskraal, and Pearly Beach

We regret to inform you that the rabies vaccination campaign scheduled for 9-12 July 2024, has been postponed due to the adverse weather conditions forecasted for next week. Our primary concern is the effectiveness of the campaign.

Conducting the campaign in poor weather would result in wasted resources and compromise the impact we aim to achieve. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

New campaign dates will be communicated once they are confirmed.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Issued by:
Western Cape Department of Agriculture on 5 July 2024


Uitstel van Hondsdolheid-inentingsveldtog

Geagte Inwoners van Gansbaai, Franskraal en Pearly Beach

Ons is spyt om u mee te deel dat die hondsdolheid-inentingsveldtog wat vir 9-12 Julie 2024 geskeduleer is, uitgestel word weens die ongunstige weerstoestande wat vir volgende week voorspel word. Ons primêre bekommernis is die doeltreffendheid van die veldtog.

Om die veldtog in swak weer uit te voer, sal lei tot vermorsing van hulpbronne en die impak wat ons beoog om te bereik, in gevaar stel. Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat dit mag veroorsaak en waardeer u begrip.

Nuwe veldtogdatums sal gekommunikeer word sodra dit bevestig is.

Dankie vir jou samewerking.


Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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